Monday, March 26, 2012

Casual Crafting Bucket List

I am hoping if I write down my bucket list and post it for everyone (all eight of you; haha) to see it might give me some accountability; and maybe I will be pressed to actually accomplish it!  That's the hope anyway.

Mallory's Casual Crafting Bucket List
[In no particular order]
  • Knit a sweater I would be proud to wear
  • Enter a quilt into a local fair (and win; or place; or get a ribbon...umm...maybe just enter)
  • Reupholster an antique chair
  • Sew a dress from a pattern (without skipping steps and actually following the directions)
  • Start an Etsy shop or small crafting business
  • Learn how to machine quilt (and no longer be just a 'topper')
  • Invent a crochet pattern
  • Learn photography and photoshop
  • Make a wedding cake
  • Learn how to ombre dye
My goal is to finish one of these tasks before the start of next year. But as we all know- the best laid plans...

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