Thursday, March 1, 2012

Best Ever Shredded Chicken Burritos

This Crockpot recipe is one of my new ultimate favorites. Are you ready for how easy this is?!!

3 Lbs boneless skinless chicken breast
1 Jar Salsa
1 Taco seasoning packet

That’s it. Put in Crockpot on low for 8 hours, and gently shred the chicken with a fork.
Put this chicken in a burrito with your favorite toppings and enjoy! We even had leftovers and put it in quesadillas a few nights later and they were amazing.

Pictures cannot do this meal justice. Period.


  1. Ryan was sitting beside me as I was reading the post above this. I scrolled down a bit, he saw the headline and photo for this one, and he was like, "Whoa.. what?" lol nuff said.

    1. You should definitely try it; Isaac can't get enough!
