Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hand Dyed Canvas Slip-On Shoes

To go along with my new obsession with dyeing clothing I decided to dye a pair of canvas shoes.  As soon as I did this, I saw a commercial for the same shoes in Old Navy with a $15 price tag. I got them beat! My shoes only cost me $7! Woo Hoo!

Wal-Mart white canvas shoes $4.50
Liquid RIT Dye $2
Elastic $0.50
Fabric Tac glue or needle and thread (leftover from previous casual crafting)
1 cup salt (who doesn’t have this in their pantry)

  • ·         Fill up your stainless steel sink (or large bucket) with steaming hot water.  Fill it up just enough to cover the shoes completely.
  • ·         Remove the laces from your shoes.
  • ·         Dunk the shoes in the hot water until saturated and set aside.
  • ·         Pour in half of the RIT dye and add in one cup of salt. Stir until salt starts to dissolve.
  • ·         Put in your shoes! Mine wanted to float right side up, so I used a plastic spatula to keep them in the dye.
  • ·         Stir them around for a few minutes until you get the color that you want.
  • ·         Drain the sink and run warm water over your shoes until the water runs clear. (make sure to dump out the water in the toes!)
  • ·         Put them outside to dry for at least a few hours.  Because it was rainy out this week it took 3 days for mine to dry inside. Sigh. I am not patient enough for that.
  • ·         Cut two pieces of elastic for under the tongue of your shoes. My pieces were about 3.5 – 4 inches long.
  • ·         I initially wanted to stitch the elastic in, but the canvas is pretty thick and I am lazy so instead I used fabric-tac. Haha.
  • ·         Use the fabric-tac to glue the elastic on either side of the tongue. Let dry.
  • ·         Show off your awesome shoes!

Total Cost: $7

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