Friday, January 6, 2012

Math Nerd Love Notes

WARNING! This post combines algebra, emoticons and a mushy love note all in one.
Ok so I saw this equation on Pinterest and LOVED it!  For those not fluent in mathematical equations, it uses basic algebra principles to simplify the problem down to I <3 u (which means ‘I love you’ in the emoticon world).  All together now…awwwww!
I admit I was a math major in college and this might not appeal to everyone, but I knew I had to somehow display this in my house.  The upstairs bathroom had a blank wall that was begging for a picture or something to dress it up, so this seemed like the perfect solution! 
I bought several sheets of scrapbook paper (on sale!) in shades that coordinated with our color scheme and then used my Cricut machine to cut out the numbers in the equation.  I used a tape runner to stick the pieces onto my backdrop color and added some flourishes for flair.  The cartridges that I had didn’t have negative signs or the inequalities so I just drew them in with a marker.  I had an extra matted frame in my stock so I framed it up!
 I think it looks awesome, even if people don’t get it! J
Total Cost: <$2.00 (had to use the inequality there!) 

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