We got a doggie! We are so excited to invite Cali into our family (that’s right…her name is Cali Cail… giggle)! But with the new addition came lots of STUFF...and we quickly realized we had nowhere to store it all.
The biggest issue was all of our gloves, hats, mittens and ear warmers for the early morning walks. They ended up all over the kitchen table and countertops. As if it isn’t hard enough keeping the counters free of clutter!
I found some scraps of home décor fabric that I used in the old apartment, and although I didn’t plan it, it was a perfect match for my kitchen! Woo Hoo!
All you need is two rectangles of fabric that are the same size and a long thin rectangle of fabric for the handle. The size of the rectangles can be whatever you want, depending on how large you want your bag to be. For your reference I used 2- 13X23 rectangles and one 20X2.5 rectangle.
Fold one of the large rectangles in half width wise, right side facing in, and sew a line up both sides. Do the same with the other large rectangle.
Turn one rectangle right side out and place the 2nd rectangle (still inside out) inside. With the raw edges together fold the top down ¼ inch, and then down another ¼ inch. Sew the hem down, getting as close to the hem edge as possible.
Now for the handle: Fold the narrow, long rectangle in half length wise, with right sides together, and sew up the side to make a tube. Turn the tube so the right side of the fabric is facing out. Now all you have to do is attach it to the back of your bag.
Cut it to the length you want it to be plus 2 inches. Fold both ends up one inch and pin to the bag. To make sure the handles would be extra secure I sewed them on in the shape of a box with an ‘x’ inside of it. If you are not comfortable with this you can just do zigzags back and forth for the full one inch.
Done. 15 minutes right?!
Total Cost: Free if you use scraps!
Here it is all filled with stuff.